Beyond the Box – Season 1 – Episode 3 – Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community at Inman News

Beyond the Box – Season 1 – Episode 3 – Featuring the Global Head of Community at Inman News, Laura Monroe.

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This week, Mike McAra has the pleasure of sitting down with Laura Monroe, Global Head of Community with Inman News to discuss the effects of COVID-19 on the #realestate industry and what the future may hold for it’s members. 

“I think that first of all, one of the things about the real estate industry that I think we’ve always kind of known and definitely been able to witness is, you know, the adaptability of us as an industry.”

Full Transcript of the Show

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Alright, so. Laura
Monroe. Thank you so much for coming on the show today. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Thanks
for having me! Appreciate it. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah, absolutely! I’m so
excited to chat with you. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Me
too! This is so exciting. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: You know, it’s definitely
weird times out there right now, so you know the video conferences seem to be
the way we can connect, so it’s another opportunity for us to do that. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Well I
have just, I don’t know if you saw my Facebook post. I have just dawned a new
name. I am now called the high priestess of Zoom. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: So,
here we are! 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: I was wondering how long
it would take before people start putting that on LinkedIn, you know, as like a
skill, or…. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News:
Exactly.  I’m a virtual event expert… guru.

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Was that who wrote that?
The virtual event expert? 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: I did!
Yeah, I think that it’s going to be…yeah… it’s going to be huge. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: I saw that. So, okay, so
just so our audience gets a sense, you are the global head of community at
Inman right now. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yes!

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: So, what does that

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah,
exactly! Well, um, so… you know, Inman… Inman is a media publishing company.
We, but we also do events. We do live events, we do virtual events, but we also
do, we’re also know for our editorial industry news. So, think of us as the
Wall Street Journal of a real estate news and industry. Um, but our community
has had sort of a following. Both because once we meet each other in person at
our events… 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: What’s that?! 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Which
is a … Right, exactly. What is that? I’ve forgotten what that’s like! 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: It
becomes a very big community. And a following. So, years ago, back when I was
at Inman before, we did a lot with ambassadors. We did a lot on the Facebook
groups and certainly social media played a big roll. But it shifted a bit with
this particular role, because Inman has never really had anybody in this
community driven role. So, it’s a leadership role. We’re pulling more people
together under the communication platforms that we use. The digital channels,
as well as our events. And it’s well into the thousands. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Wow. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: So, it
just creates an audience that is both online and offline. And it helps us to
really keep our um… it just brings people together in a really innovative

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: So, the thousands. Are
those realtors, brokers, like who are those thousands of people?

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Everything.
I mean, I think originally it was… we sort of used our segmentation as like
agents, brokers, um, CEO’s and founders, Technology CEO’s and founders,
entrepreneurs, vendors, providers, organized real estate leaders, associations,
state and local. I mean, anyone! The one amazing thing about Inman is that we
have a platform for conversation that is agnostic; meaning that it doesn’t
matter what brokerage you’re with, it doesn’t matter what association you’re
with, it doesn’t matter what leader you’re from, or which
company you’re with. We want to share that information out to everybody for the
benefit of all. So, we don’t get too caught up in brands and too much brand

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Which is interesting,
because your core background is a brand strategist, right? 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: It is!
It’s really where I learned a lot of the tricks of the trade for brands,

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: It’s so, it’s so
interesting. I love the whole Inman concept. You know I’ve met Brad a couple

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah.

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: But his whole philosophy
of essentially harmonizing, you know, innovation, real estate for the
betterment of the industry or the community. I always mix up exactly what it is
but it’s such an interesting philosophy, and clearly it’s resonating, so… 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yes,
yes. So, I think there’s been times where we’re a small strappy… We run like a
start-up. We actually have less than 50 people on the Inman team, so we’re
constantly working on big projects, editorials, events. But, you know, the
community is really where… it’s who our audience is. So, it’s good to have
recognize it. It’s good to put value behind it, it’s good as an organization
to… especially, especially during these times, how important it is for us to
play a role in keeping people connected. Um, it’s been an… it’s been an in…
we’ve grown literally almost 200% on social media just in the past two weeks. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: I saw that post and I was
just blown away by it. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah,

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: I think if anything, it’s
interesting because, my understanding within the Inman company is that, you are
all working from home anyway, already. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yes. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Like that was just, how
it is. So, you’ve been tasked with growing this community remotely, since the…
since the onset. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yep!

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: And now you’ve got this,
this essentially, um, captive audience of people that are looking for that
social connection. You know, the real estate industry is a social industry,
let’s be honest. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: It
definitely is. And well now, we’ve got a lot of people that are having to stay
enclosed in their homes, and you know, make things work from home. But more
than anything, they need each other. They need… you know, the innovation that
is going to come from being in this moment in time; like, we have this
conversation at Inman. Like we are in a very special moment in time that once
we get past this pain, or get through the pain, I should say, not past it.
Because no one is getting past it. Um, it’s… we’re watching this in real time,
like, this is unfolding and innovating in such a rapid way, that it’s going to
be an incredible situation to look back on. Probably within a few short

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: You know, it’s going to
be written in the history books. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: It
will be. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: And you know this is
obviously a generational defining moment. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Mhm. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: And you know, it’s
really… yeah, there’s that moment of self-reflection where… 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Exactly,
in everything!

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah, so how do I take
what I’m doing, you know… First of all, how do I survive and stay healthy, right?

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah.

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: First and foremost. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: First
and foremost, yes. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: And then after that,
okay. What does this look like going forward? Will the world continue to spin?
I’m going to take the view that it will, right?

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Mhm. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: So how do you position
yourself to… to maintain what you’ve got going on, and how, how do you

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Grow
into it! 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: And that new normal,
whatever it may be. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: I call
it…I read a really interesting book the other day. Well, I’ve actually had it on
my bookshelf, and I haven’t read it but all the way through yet…

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: But you’ve got time now,
you’ve got the time! 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: But
now I’ve got time! But you know what, I picked it up. It sits here on my
bookshelf in my office, directly right in front of me. It’s written by Sheryl
Sandberg and it’s called “Option B.”

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Okay. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: And
she wrote this book when her husband died suddenly of a heart attack, and it
was about how she navigated the sudden overwhelming grief of losing her spouse,
and then moving through that, and coming out of that on the other side
psychologically and emotionally. And I just thought, “I wonder if there’s any
of this that would pertain to this moment that we’re going through.” And
there’s a chapter in the book that’s actually called, “Bouncing forward.”

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Hmm…

Laura Monroe – Global
Head of Community, Inman News:
And her therapist at the time told her,
“in any incredibly traumatic situation, there are people that fold under it,
there are people that are, um, that take a long time to heal, and then there
are the people that are resilient; that sort of seem to bounce back.” And they…
there is a thing that is called Post Traumatic Growth, where, it’s a mindset.
It’s a mental strength that is, “I’m going to get through this, and I’m going
to bounce forward.” And I brought it up last week in one of my videos, you
know, I just do a quick video, and I just said, “you know what if we can get to
this mindset of “I am where I am right now, but the resilience that I need is
going to bounce me forward into this next redone industry.” 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Very cool. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: I
think that, that was the really big chapter. It’s cool. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Well, and I think that
kind of Segway’s into where I wanted to take this next, was that you’ve
obviously been in the industry for quite some time now. Right,

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: –Yeah,
almost 20 years, I think. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Wow, 20 years, a year or
two, yep. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah! 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: You’ve seen some things.
Um, and so, I guess one of the sort of interesting things that we’ve been
talking about now that I think of it, I would love to sort of chat a bit with
you about is, seeing that sort of that trend, and what’s emerged over those 20
years. And how that we’re at this point in time… kind of forward looking, what
does that look like, and more from a community perspective, more from what
you’re hearing from your conversations. So, if you could speak to that, you
know, how it’s sort of gone from say, the global financial crisis, where things
were really good and then they got really bad. And then it’s changed and now
we’re in this other part… I don’t know. Like, in your experience, what like,
how have you viewed that, and those sort of [flows]?

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah,
I think that first of all, one of the things about the real estate industry
that I think we’ve always kind of known and definitely been able to witness is,
you know, the adaptability of us as an industry. No matter how many rules and
regulations and different things that we have to sort of maneuver and navigate,
whether you’re an agent or broker or technologist, there’s always the consumer.
Those don’t change. There’s always data, and there’s always, you know, the
technology that supports all of it. But the thing that amazes me is that, is
the industry’s ability to adapt to the moment in time. And you know, certainly
during this cycle on the crash of you know, the mid 2000’s and above. You know,
we saw agents having to dive into actually working belly to belly with short
sales and having to help buyers and sellers out of amazingly overwhelming
complicated financial situations. So, I see our industry still as being the one
that will help to host people, not only into new homes, but through financial
situations because of mortgages, and rent, and property and home and shelter.
We just had this conversation yesterday. You know, with everyone in lock down,
that big questions is, “is real estate essential?” and it actually, for most of
us, barring the immediate, um, civic duty to keep as everyone as healthy as
possible. There still is this case of millions of people in the middle of
transactions, in the middle of one home to another, in the middle of moving of
moving out of one home getting into another. And, the agents and brokers today
have to manage how to “land” those transactions safely. So, what I’ve seen is
the amazing ingenuity no matter where they are at in technology, that… that’s what
it’s really about, is just the ingenuity. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: It’s so interesting too,
because you are almost going to see, or perhaps you are already seeing it, that
agents have an enhanced value proposition. Beyond the tools you are using,
beyond the conversations you are having. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Definitely. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: With you know, with a lot
of programs, a lot of different… 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: You know, there’s just so
many moving parts, that you know, algorithms are great. It’s going to
streamline more workflows, and I’m sure that there is more of this being done
via Zoom. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Mhm. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Or, you know, pick your
favourite web chat app, whatever that is. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: But the reality is that,
there is still that really core role for, um, that advisory service. Right?

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Absolutely.
I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if we start to see many more, um, concierge
type roles, advisor… you know, just services that sort of pop up out of this.
In fact, I was watching a Facebook Live from a team in California, southern
California, earlier today. And they are this psychologist, they’re the
therapist, they’re the hand holders, they’re the service providers still.
They’re still trying to figure out how to service people that are at home. You
know, virtual tours — 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Mhm. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: –You
know, to show property. Sending them meals via Door Dash, or delivery service
or something to sort of help them, you know, feel a little bit better or to
provide some help. So, you’re seeing agents that are really stepping up to work
their relationship side, but then you’re also seeing them incredibly dive into
the technology side, which is the videos and the you know, all of the different
ways that they can connect both with clients and colleagues. You know to get it
done and —

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: — to
connect in different ways. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah. It’s interesting
because the question we’ve had come in internally is that, you know, there’s
already adoption or you know, this growth of technology being part of the
process. I think we all see that, and then you take it that step further, and
you know, with the ibuyers coming in and doing a lot of things without agents to
an extent. And then you get an event like this. And you know, we’ve seen
ibuying just stop completely. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Totally.
I completely agree. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: So that’s wild, number
one. And then number two is that, you know, the question is, does an event like
this empower agents to adopt technology more? Or, does it accelerate trends
that are existent, or does it create new ones? And then, and then with each of
those, what does that look like from the agent’s perspective, from the
opportunity and a challenge? And same for a tech company, from an opportunity
and challenge? You know, from a strategist and a brand and marketing background
as well as building community, I’d love to get your take on that. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah,
well… those are really big questions. And I think from… I mean we’re already
seeing agents talk about the technology that they need because the first thing
that happened out here in the States when some of the county’s started to close
down their services, their county services, it meant that a lot of these transactions
weren’t going to get the closing table, because they didn’t have the right
services. The legal services to get there. Um, mortgage and title wasn’t
necessarily considered an essential service. But very quickly, when the States
and the county’s realized that you know, real estate is still happening. There
are people that are misplaced without these closings, then they right away came
back in and said, “Okay, it’s an essential service. We know we’ve got to get
you, get you to be able to accomplish what you need to accomplish, to move
things in the direction they need to move then.” So that was like, the first
“Ah-ha” that all the States and counties went “Oh! I guess you do need to have
a county recorder’s office to close this deal.” And it didn’t happen
widespread, but from a technology standpoint, those companies that provide the
services: the notaries, the different things to be able to close these things
are the first technologies that are not working completely virtually the way
they need to. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Hmm… 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: So,
right now, if you’re paying attention and you’re someone that works in
technology. The first thing that you need to do is we need to figure out how to
get more e-notarized type of things. Like, we can’t just have notaries coming
around to people’s homes and walking them through the paperwork. Like we
literally have to get them on some kind of platform. So, it wouldn’t surprise
me if technology wise, we definitely see the all in one solution in terms of
getting from end to end in a transaction, without having to go into a million
different places. And they will have to connect to the right state and local
authorities to be able to get those things done. And I think we’ll see a push
for those, which it’s not going to be “real estate agent mandate” to have them,
it’s actually going to be a requirement. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Well, it’s interesting
how, you know, what I hear a lot is that red tape, or there’s that Government
element that really stifles a bit of it. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: And then you get an event
like this where it’s like, “Oh by the way, we need to do solute transactions
and so it is in fact, the service needs to be open.” And almost overnight, that
red tape is gone. And then now you’ve got “Okay, that’s there.” Now we have
this opportunity to build this company that we’ve always wanted to that, and
provide that service that agents wanted, consumers wanted. But for whatever
preconceived law, or what have you, it just wasn’t the case right?

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Right.
Well, and I think the NAR statistic that I heard, um, I think it was on one of
my virtual calls, was that there’s up to 60 small businesses or 60 businesses
that are attached to any transaction at any given time. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Wow. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: So,
when you think about what an agent or a broker has to do carry in a transaction.
All of the puzzle pieces that they’re trying to put together. One agent… I did
something on Facebook where she said, “You know, we’re literally, not to
compare industries, but the analogy would be that, “Right now we’re the air
traffic controllers, and we have millions of flights in the air, and we’re just
trying to get them safely on the ground” in terms of what the transactions
are.” So, if you look at it like that, then it’s… the role of the agent is
incredibly important. Both for the technology driving side, as well as, you
know, getting the consumers what they need. They are the ones that are getting
the consumer what they need. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Well the reality is, and
the last number I saw was something like 5 million transactions in the U.S.
right up here I think we’re at a tenth of that, I think it’s 500 thousand up
here in Canada. You know, so there’s that demand to move and I guess the
question would be if you remove that underlying economic cycle with the people
being able to work, right? And that what’s come with this event here, does that
change things and how does that all go forward? But I think ultimately what it
comes back to is, you know, two key things that you’ve already highlighted.
Number one on the agent’s side is that you need to be more of that advisor,
full service, sort of, you know, spoke curator of all things like the air
traffic controller. But then on the technology side, there’s these
opportunities to come in here and to plug in these holes that you know, you’ve

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Absolutely.
If the technology companies are listening, they’re going to get a wealth of

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: I hope they’re

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yes,
yes! I, I think if I were … I would just be watching every Facebook live, I’d
be following what every agent is taking about because here’s what’s going to
happen. I think. Um, if we can get back to, you know, once we get past the
peak, it’s going to happen in different geographical areas. I mean, we’re
hoping that New York comes out of this first and reaches the peak and can get
back to some sense of opening things up a little bit. But we’re in California
and we’re already looking to see what’s going on in China and Italy and New

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Everyone
will be keeping their eye on how this unrolls, um. And, there’s going to be
some places that certainly reach business opportunities quicker than other
ones. And so, it’s going to be interesting to see but I think once we can
sort of all breath some sigh of relief on the other end of this, real
estate is going to make a fast, rubber band come back. Meaning, we’re going to
know how to do this virtually. Companies are going to be rearing to go to
provide more technology and services to make these things happen faster. People
based on their economic situations, based on their job situation, based on
where they need to be to be closer to loved ones or elderly; they’re going to
be making moves. They’re going to be making big moves. And our agent core,
regardless of what brand you’re with, are going to be the ones that are making
those… they’re going to be the ones that have those peoples lives literally in
their hands. So, they right now, are information sponges. From the governors,
in our states that are telling us when we can go out, when we can’t go out,
when we can have open houses, when we can’t. I mean, it’s been… 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: There’s a lot going on. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: There’s
a lot going on. Yeah. Yeah. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: But I
think it’s exciting when we can get past the pain. Yeah. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And again, I think that’s, that’s sort of that underlying core philosophy that
you have to have, is that things will continue to move after this is done. And…

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: We can
survive. 90 days. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Exactly. So, let’s
survive, first and foremost. Stay healthy, you know, do the socially
responsible thing. Take care of our families. And then kind of let’s see where
things can go moving forward from there. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: And so, you know, just to
wrap things up here. So, let’s say it’s 2021. It’s Inman Connect in Las Vegas,
okay? You’re speaking and what are you telling… What is the talk about? And… 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Wow…

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Yeah. Let’s just leave it
there. What’s the talk about? And maybe just speak to that a bit. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Okay,
so I’m going to take it a bit different, because here’s what I was

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: You’re cheating! 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Well,
okay here’s what I was having. Okay, here’s my topic and I’m going to take it
from a leadership standpoint, not necessarily from an agent standpoint. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Okay!

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: My
audience is the leaders of real estate. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Okay. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: And,
my… my thing to them is… is that it doesn’t matter who you have working for you
in your company, or in your brand. They’ve been through a huge psychological
shift, both business and emotionally. And if you’re not right now considering
ways to redefine how people are working in your company, both from an
emotional, mental, technological standpoint you will not have the right
culture. If you continue on with the culture you had before this happened, and
you do it with this, you know, after this event, you’re not going to have the
same company. So, it doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO, or if you’re an
entrepreneur. If you cannot look at the emotional intelligence that you’re
going to need to pull people together, I think community is going to be a huge
thing. If you have leaders that are tone deaf, who don’t understand what their
agent/agents or brokers have been through, if they can’t communicate with an
understanding about it, they just expect to go back to normal, and have the
same kind of communication. Then I think we’re going to see… we’re not going to
see the healing that we need. We’re going to be even more tone deaf because
we’re not going to understand all of the changes that is required to be and
show up the way we need to in this industry. So, that would be my talk, which
is “How are you going to redefine how you’re doing business as a leader in this

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: I can’t wait to see it in

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yeah! 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: So, I will see you… 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Well,
I’ll be putting my slide deck together! 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: I hopefully see you
summer of 2021 at least. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: I
hope, I would hope so! You better be there! It’d be great to have you. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: On that note, thank you
so much for your time Laura. 

Laura: Thank you so much, I appreciate you for having me. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Stay safe, stay healthy. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: You
too! Please do. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: I look forward to meeting
you in person when we’re finally allowed to do that. 

Laura Monroe – Global Head of Community, Inman News: Yes!
And I will email you what we were talking about earlier. 

Mike McAra – Beyond the Box Host: Perfect, perfect. 

— End of Podcast —

Beyond the Box: Conversations with real estate executives, venture capital partners and technologists on what lays ahead for the real estate industry in a world after COVID-19.

Beyond the Box Podcast Hosts

Lynette Keyowski
Beyond the Box Host: Lynette Keyowski – Managing Director at REACH Canada

Mike McAra Headshot


Beyond the Box Host: Mike McAra – Director at REACH Canada